Sunday, January 2, 2011

Moments of Stillness CD – Sarah Edelman


Moments of Stillness – Sarah Edelman

This CD is really useful for someone who finds it difficult to relax and shut out the outside world, and I am definitely one of them. Thus it was beneficial that the relaxation and meditation exercises were easy to follow and very clear, and it was guided with a really soothing voice. The music is what really made an impression with me. I was really drawn to the music, for it created the ambience, and an atmosphere of total relaxation. It made it possible to not be distracted by the noises around me and to just focus on the meditation. I could feel my tense muscles becoming relaxed. And there is a sense of inner peace ‘flowing’ inside you, as you breathe calmly and naturally. For a moment you feel that the world is still and everything around you and your inner self has gone silent. As the CD goes on, I could almost feel myself slowly being drawn to her voice, the music and the whole experience of meditating. I can ‘feel’ my body drift to beautiful, serene places and you can just feel a sense of calmness flowing down your body. Not only are you taught to meditate but at the same time, to say affirmations to yourself. I never really thought I would be someone who would ever want to purchase a meditation CD, but Sarah Edelman’s ‘Moments of Stillness’ has changed my mind.

By Karen – ACAP Placement Student
*Note - this CD is available for purchase from

1 comment:

  1. First time here...u have nice space and really inspirational stuff... I'll be back soon.

    sarah edelman
