Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Upcoming lectures

Lecture: Cyber Bullying: Questions & Answers: A session for teachers and parents
Presenter: Sally-Anne McCormack, Clinical Psychologist.
Date: Wednesday 2nd May, 1.00pm
Location: Kew, VIC

Lecture: Low Self Esteem: The role of maladaptive core beliefs
Presenter: Robert van de Berg, Psychologist.
Date: Thursday 10th May, 7.30pm
Location: Kew, VIC

Lecture: "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)" and "Compulsive Hoarding"
Presenters: Dr Scott Blair-West, Consultant Psychiatrist and Dr Christopher Mogan, Clinical Psychologist.
Date: Tuesday 29th May, 7.30pm
Location: Chelsea Heights, VIC


By Dr Simon Kinsella, Clinical Psychologist

Living with depression is like walking waist deep through treacle, everything seems hard from the moment I wake up. Even waking up is hard. I might sleep 10 hours a night, but my eyelids feel as if they are made of lead. When I do drag myself out of bed, everything I do is hard. It's like too much effort to get to the bathroom, to get breakfast, or to get dressed.

Whether or not I make it to work is always a question. Sometimes I just have to call in sick because I can’t face other people. And it’s not like I’m staying home to have fun, nothing is fun. I used to like getting out on my bike. Now it seems like too much effort. I used to love listening to music, now it all irritates me. Not even eating, nothing has any flavour any more. And as for sex – forget it.


What does it look like? (Symptoms)

Depression can present itself in many different ways. It may come about suddenly, or have built up over time. It can last months to years. There are some things that all depression sufferers have in common though. Sadness would be the number one common theme. A lack of drive or motivation would also be very common. Third would be a sense of helplessness, “there is nothing I can do to feel better”, or “there is nothing I can do to fix my problems”.

Depression has many different names. The “blues”, “down in the dumps”, “the black dog”, or “the sads” are all common terms. But what is it really? To be diagnosed with depression, a person must experience a minimum number of symptoms, such as:

•Feeling sad most of the time (more than 50%), most days, for more than 2 weeks
•Crying easily, or often
•Feeling lethargic, tired, or unmotivated
•Losing interest in things you used to enjoy
•Feeling flat, or not feeling any emotion (feeling empty)
•Feeling restless, and unable to sit still
•Feeling guilty or embarrassed beyond what is reasonable
•Worrying excessively
•Suicidal ideas, thoughts or actions
•Rapid weight gain or loss
•Loss of sex drive
•Poor quality sleep, or excessive sleep
•Trouble with concentration and or memory

The gradual appearance of symptoms may be an early warning that depression is developing. Sometimes people experience just a few symptoms that are more of an irritation than anything else. When these symptoms persist over years they are sometimes called “dysthymia”. When it comes on suddenly with a lot of symptoms it is called a “major depressive episode”. Sometimes it comes and goes for no apparent reason. Other forms of depression include bipolar disorder (or manic depression), post natal depression and cyclothymia. Diagnosing depression properly can be a difficult task!

How can it cause a problem in my life?

Depression can be a problem in many ways, because it shuts people down. They struggle to perform at work or school, they have more problems with their friends, their family and their partners. And they stop having fun!

At the least, depression might just interrupt life. It might make a short period of life difficult, like a blip on the radar. Commonly though, it hangs around for long enough for others to notice, and to make it hard to progress in life. Whether that’s at school, work, as a parent, a partner or a friend. At it’s worst, depression can make it impossible to work, or to function socially. It has been the reason for some people dropping out of work, breaking up marriages, and taking drugs. In the most tragic circumstances it has also lead to people taking their own lives.

Who else experiences it?

Major depression is described as the “common cold of mental health”.

•Estimates vary from 10% to 25% for women, and 5% to 12% for men.
•Many people have symptoms that are not diagnosed. At any one time almost 1 in 10 people will be suffering from a major depressive episode, plus people suffering the other forms of depression, like dysthymia, bipolar disorder (manic depression), or post-natal depression.
•Increasingly, media personalities such as Premiers, AFL footballers, TV presenters have told of their depression.
•Depression can occur at any age, from early childhood upwards. Most commonly it will occur for the first time by the early 20’s. It varies greatly in how long it lasts.

What can I do about it? How can I manage it?

•Self-Help: In cases where depression is mild, self help books can be a great way of dealing with the problem. There can be a great sense of satisfaction in conquering the problem using your own resources.
•Professional Support: For many people, self-help is simply not enough. Medical practitioners are often a good place to start for advice. They can tell you about the range of medications available, and the pros and cons. A GP is also best placed to tell you whether a psychiatrist, psychologist or other professional is likely to be the best placed to help you if he or she cannot offer all you need. Current research shows that the level of treatment required depends on the severity of the condition. For a mild depression, “talking therapies” are often all that’s required. Therapists can help you find more effective ways of approaching problems.
•Medication: Moderate depression might require a combination of medication and talking therapies. Sometimes however, finding the best medication can be a difficult process, as not all medications suit all people. In severe cases a person may require medication in order to benefit from talking therapies.

What Outlook can I expect?

The best approach with depression is to get in early. The sooner you deal with symptoms the faster you will recover, the less support you’ll need, and the smaller the chances you will relapse. The more depressed you become, the harder it becomes to recover. It is important to not lose hope. Persist with treatment, and if you’re not satisfied with your progress talk to your doctor or therapist. Don’t be afraid to get a second opinion; remember there is a huge amount of information and support available!

What resources are available for help?
Support Groups
ADAVIC Support Group
Grow Ph: 1800 558 268



Wigney, Parker, Eyers (2007). Journeys with the Black Dog.

Andrews (2006). Back from the Brink: Australians tell their stories of overcoming Depression.

Davidson (2007). What Does Blue Feel Like?

Coping with Change

Marnie McKimmie
The West Australian
March 29, 2012

Whether you are the type to drag your heels or dive off the deep end, change can be both good and bad for the body, mind and soul.

As the saying goes, change is as good as a holiday.

And it also has health benefits indicated by recent research. A University of NSW study of 188 centenarians determined that an openness to change - along with the ability to accept good advice, change for the better and seek help when needed - were important factors that aided longevity.

Yet at the same time, WA psychiatrists working in the Kimberley have reported that the unprecedented rate of change in community connectedness thrust upon many indigenous groups - due to separation from country, scattering of relations, introduction of intoxicating substances - may be partly to blame for health and mental health problems contributing to lower life expectancy.

With the ever increasing pace of modern living, the question is: how do you best prepare yourself for change? How do you get the tools needed to make it over unexpected big waves of change that come your way in life, while constantly improving and changing for the better rather than becoming fearful and stagnant?

Experts say how we cope with change is affected by outlook, genes, environment and age. But also it's the strategies we pick up along the way, starting from life as a baby, when we were first taught to soothe ourselves to sleep with the aid of a teddy bear. As an adult, such strategies can range from honing problem-solving skills to painting your bedroom in each new house the same comforting colour or keeping up playing the same sport.

"There is always going to be change," Curtin University School of Psychology and Speech Pathology Associate Professor Clare Rees said. "It is part of life and it is happening every day, even if only on a micro level. It all depends on the type of change as to how people cope.

"If the change is expected and planned, people tend to do better than if it is unexpected and a shock to them.

"That is when they tend to feel more out of control and this is where the issues start.

"And it also depends on the type of person they are. If they see change as a threat, they are going to find any kind of change difficult compared to those who see it as an opportunity.

"Some people just inherently prefer things to be predictable, more routine and safer. And there are others who are naturally much more open to new experiences. They tend to be risk-takers, spontaneous people who embrace change. And obviously because of that, they do not tend to feel so overwhelmed."

The difference was due to genetic wiring, temperament and how they were raised, Professor Rees said, but also how they aged.

"As we get older, most people tend to be more conservative and are less able to cope well with change," she said. "It is a gradual process. As the years go by, there is plenty of research evidence to show that you tend to become more risk averse."

For some elderly people, it could become a threat to health if they then allowed their comfort zone to shrink down to the point that they no longer ventured out into the community or even left the house, becoming isolated or depressed.

Guarding against being overwhelmed by change began much earlier in adulthood, Professor Rees said, and included making a conscious effort to remain open to new ideas and experiences and catch yourself out if you showed signs of not being able to take on new information and learn from others.

"For instance, people who carry on studying and reading and remain curious tend to be more well-adjusted happy people," she said.

Weekly Quote

Anyone can give up; it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.
-Zig Ziglar

Mental health goes virtual

By Paul Hemsley
Government News

Online counseling therapy will be available to Australians through federal health services following an open tender for qualified organisations to deliver the Virtual Clinic service.

The Department of Health and Ageing will be searching for qualified organizations to develop and deliver the program, which will provide online counseling with the assistance of a therapist, for those with low to moderate levels of mental disorders.

An investment of $20 million over three years will be provided for the Virtual clinic, which will be accessible through the government’s mental health portal, due to go live in July.

According to the department, it would complement existing face-to-face mental health therapies.

Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, Mark Butler said the Virtual Clinic is expected to assist up to 30000 people over three years, particularly those living in rural and remote areas.

“Therapists will use cognitive behavioural therapy techniques to deliver online counseling and will also be able to refer to clients to self-guided online therapies, or other services, according to the client’s needs,” Mr Butler said.

The Virtual Clinic services will complement face-to-face mental health support and the existing automated online ‘teleweb’ programs which will be available through the e-mental health portal.

A Department of Health and Ageing spokeswoman said the focus is on telephone and online services, however video services may be considered in the future if security of information and privacy is assured.

“It is expected that anyone with internet access will be able to use the virtual clinic to obtain assistance, including counselors and patients,” the spokeswoman said.

“The therapists delivering the online counseling will be trained in online service delivery as part of the requirements of the funding process.”

According to the spokeswoman, there has been no discussion or liaison with local government regarding the Virtual Clinic.

“This project will deliver online mental health services to all Australians including those in rural and remote regions,” the spokeswoman said.

She said links with primary health care services and the establishment of referral pathways to traditional services will be an important feature of the service.

“Barriers to treatment have been reported as financial costs; shortage of skilled workers, especially in rural and remote communities; long waiting lists; stigma; reluctance to attend treatment; and the difficulty of accessing services out of work hours,” she said.