Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Suicide Sadness

Losing my dear friend- Carly’s story

Ever since my friend’s dad died, he hadn’t been himself. All he could see were negatives. His girlfriend was his main support and every time he had a problem, she would be there to talk to him through it. He thought that his life was getting better, but then he caught her cheating and she broke up with him. Having been together for three years, he had thought that they would be together forever. Now he felt that his world was crumbling in front of him.

When he died on March 2nd, 2009, it came as a total shock to everyone. He had achieved so much in his young life- graduating from high school and earning over $800 a week. He was doing well for a nineteen-year-old and still had so much more to experience in life. So many people looked up to him, especially his twelve-year-old brother who wanted to follow in his big brother’s footsteps.

Everyone was blaming themselves for his death, saying that they could have stopped him from making the wrong choice. Two weeks before he sadly ended his life, he had locked himself in his room for five days. Afterwards, he was happy around his friends and everyone thought he seemed okay. But then he started taking strong pills everyday. Everybody was worried but never thought he would purposely take his own life by taking an overdose of drugs. Everybody told him that life gets harder before it gets easier, but he would never listen. He insisted that he was fine and that he would get through this rough patch in his life.

After that, everybody left him alone, thinking that if he did want to talk and needed help, he would ask for it.

We’ve all had rough patched in our lives but our friends and families are there to support us during these times. Since his death, everyone has been distraught. We don’t know what to do with ourselves. He has left behind so many people that love him.

Life is so precious and we shouldn’t take advantage of it. If times get rough, talk to someone. If you get help early, you can fix things. It might take time but everything will eventually get better and you will be grateful for the life you have.
You only live once.

By Carly O.

Re-printed with permission – Wellbeing Magazine
This Magazine is produced by the participants of the
“Well-being Magazine” A Work for the Dole activity
which is sponsored by WorkForce Plus.

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