Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Physical Exercise

Physical exercise is extremely important for people who live with high levels of anxiety as it can directly release the build up of tension in the muscles from turning on the anxiety response. Do you exercise? Think about how you feel when you do, and how you feel when you don't. It is important to try and make exercise a regular part of your life. Exercise, when used in conjunction with other therapies, will more than likely bring you wonderful benefits in helping to manage, reduce and eliminate unwanted anxiety from your life.

People often report that they feel good after exercising, LESS stressed, anxious or depressed.

Exercise triggers feelings of calmness or happiness from a few minutes to hours afterwards.

Regular exercise boosts physical fitness and helps control weight, which in turn affects self esteem.

It helps regulate sleep cycles - leaving you feeling more rested and more energetic.

Increases energy levels and therefore you are better prepared to tackle the day.

People who exercise usually make healthier nutrition choices.

Helps increase concentration and mental alertness.

Exercise is nurturing to body and mind.

It can give you a sense of accomplishment.

It can aid in taking your mind off your worries by giving you something else to focus on.

Decreases excess adrenaline in the bloodstream (it’s presence can keep you in a state of arousal and vigilance)

Improves circulation, digestion, utilisation of food and elimination processes.

Decreases cholesterol, blood pressure and weight.

As you can see, there are many benefits of exercising. To maximise its effect for mood enhancement and decreasing anxiety, the following objectives are encouraged.

1. It is recommended to exercise approximately 4-5 x a week.
2. Variety helps to maintain interest.
3. Make it fun!!
4. Aerobic activity has been reported to be more beneficial.

Start slowly and build up if you haven’t exercised for a while, or ask a friend or relative to help motivate you. Overall, it shows that physical activity is good for the mind, body and spirit. If you’re not exercising on a regular basis, you might be missing out on an easy, inexpensive and safe way to help cope with stress, anxiety and worry. As well as reducing muscle tension exercise can also enhance your mood and enjoyment of life.

The information above has been provided by Janet Schloss, a qualified Naturopath and Nutritionist from Brisbane, Australia.

From Anxiety Network Australia -

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