Monday, December 5, 2011

Participate in Research! OCD, PANIC DISORDER AND FEARS

You are invited to take part in research being conducted by staff and students on Deakin University. This research aims to examine the cognitive and problem solving abilities of people with anxiety disorders. We are also interested in finding out about what people find helpful in enabling them to cope with their anxiety disorder and what they find difficult in daily life due to these conditions.

You are eligible to participate in the research if you:
•are 18 years and over

•Have a diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or Panic Disorder

•OR believe you suffer from a fear of spiders, dogs, heights or enclosed spaces
Participants who choose to be involved in this project will be provided with a questionnaire package to be completed independently. The questionnaires in this package will ask you to provide information relating to your mental health and how it impacts on your life. Following this, you will meet with one of the trained researcher from the School of Psychology for approximately 90 minutes where you will be asked to complete six tasks that assess your ability to pay attention to certain stimuli, your ability to solve problems and aspects of your memory. This will occur at Deakin University Geelong or Burwood, or in your home if preferable to you.
If you are interested in participating in this research or would like further information, please contact:

Emma Gould, Lecturer, School of Psychology, Deakin University

Phone: 03 5227 8492

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